Maxcon guy ropes, or guide ropes, are ropes that keep tent poles in position and tents stable.

Max-Guide tent guide ropes by Maxcons
Max-Guy 7m anchor rope
Max-Guy 3,5m anchor rope
Max-Rope anchor rope adjusters
Max-Rope Adjuster

Guy ropes are generally used to stabilize freestanding structures such as tents.

The guy rope is attached to the tent pole at the highest point and to the ground as a stable anchor. Maxcons’ Max-Guy ropes are 3,5 or 7m braided cords with Max-rope Slide sliders (adjusters) to keep the rope tight and the tent stable.

Max-Guy ropes are fixed to the tent pole end, or spigot, at the top and a Max-Peg at the bottom. Max-Guy ropes are braided from 8 fibres and are strong enough to withstand virtually any storm.

Guy ropes should be used at a 45-degree angle for maximum effectiveness. If it is too far from the tent pole, it tends to pull the tent out to the side, and if it is too near to the pole the tent could become less stable.

Guy ropes should also not be too tight or too slack. If the tent shape is distorted or forms “wrinkles” the rope is probably too tight or too slack. Max-Pegs ensure that there is no need to pull guy ropes extra tight in strong winds because the pull is accommodated by the peg spring, not the guy rope, pole or canvas.

Max-Guy ropes

Max-Guy ropes are made from high quality 4mm braided cord. The braided cord gives exceptional strength and durability without any stretching.

Every Max-Guy rope includes a Max-Rope Adjuster. The combination of the braided cord and the high-quality rope adjuster ensures that there is no slippage of the adjuster under tension when you tie your tent down.

Max-Guy ropes will not break and have long-lasting durability that (in conjunction with Max-Pegs), will keep your tent where you pitched it.

Max-Guide tent guide ropes by Maxcons
Max-Guy 7m anchor rope
Max-Guy 3,5m anchor rope
Max-Rope tent rope adjusters from Maxcons
Max-Rope Adjuster
