Maxcon Camping is an affiliate site and online store for the revolutionary Max-Peg tent anchoring system and Maxcons Camping Accessories.

Heavy-duty Maxcon tent pegs

Read here how the peg came into existence.

My name is Nico and I am an active retiree. When I come across a person, company, product, or idea, I like to make a website. It is my way of talking about it.

Sometimes it becomes a blog and other times it may become an online shop like Maxcon Camping.

If you are still active at a time when the “system” writes you off and places you on “pension” or “retirement”, many people find something to do. This is mostly something that was a hobby, or something they become interested in after retirement.

Some people like to talk, some like to write and some like to share with the world what they find interesting, fascinating, or of value. This website exists because of all these things and is my contribution to happy camping.

The price you pay for products on this website is exactly the same price you pay when buying the same product from the Maxcons factory.

If you want to talk to me, send me an email or find the right Max-Peg for your purpose.

The Maxcons factory is at 345 Arletta Ave, Raslouw, Celtisdal, Centurion 0157, and all orders are executed from here and sent by courier.