The Max-Thor peg hammer uses kinetic energy to allow for less effort when driving in tent pegs.
Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity. Read more on Wikipedia.
The head of the Max-Thor hammer consists of a hollow steel cylinder and a collection of steel balls (bearings). All are covered in thick polyurethane. The Maxcons tent peg hammer is the hammer with balls.
A conventional hammer uses the power of the person who uses it together with the weight of the hammer, to drive a tent peg into the soil.
The Maxcon Thor hammer does not use weight and power. It uses kinetic energy and movement to create the force to drive a peg into the soil. When you hit the peg with the Thor hammer, the hammerhead moves forward while the steel balls inside only follow once it is driven forward by the back wall of the hollow steel cylinder.
The hammerhead hits the tent peg first, followed by the steel balls. This means that the peg is not driven in by the hammerhead (and force with which one hits) but by the force (kinetic energy) of the steel balls.
What are the advantages of the Max-Thor system?
- Requires much less force to drive the tent peg into the ground than conventional hammers that use potential energy (energy derived from something currently in motion – the hammer itself).
- The Maxcon tent peg hammer eliminates vibration, or hammer shudder, and the accompanying potentially damaging force on shoulders and elbows.
- It means a lighter hammer because it does not use its weight to drive a tent peg into the ground.
- Max-Thor can be used by people with sensitive joints due to arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.
- The hammer can be used by less powerful users like women, children and senior campers.
The polyurethane on the face (impact surface) of the hammer sometimes gets damaged because campers tend to use the Thor tent peg hammer as a conventional hammer. This happens especially when it is exceptionally hot and polyurethane becomes soft. Connie of Maxcons has progressed far in the design of a hammer that will eliminate these problems to accommodate the “misuse” of the hammer.
The hammer should last long if it is”dropped” on the peg rather than hitting the peg with force as with a conventional hammer.
The Max-Thor Hammer comes in 3lb (1,6 kg) weight.